Jongleerworkshop op Locatie

Engaging Juggling Workshops

Juggling = Letting go

Isn’t Juggling Just About Throwing and Catching?

Yes, it is—but you can’t catch something without letting it go first. This concept mirrors teamwork perfectly. In the workshop, we focus on learning to let go, keeping all the balls in the air, perseverance, and coordination.

As a group, you’ll work on problem-solving skills in a playful, energetic teambuilding workshop.’s approach is unique!

In just 20 to 60 minutes, the group shares enthusiasm, develops juggling skills, and gains new insights into mindset and posture. You don’t have to be a world champion to learn how to juggle—everything that seems complicated starts with step one.

The workshop is available all throughout Europe, the USA, and can also be delivered virtually.

8 Positive effects of Juggling

Stimulates Brain Development

Increases Oxygen Uptake​

Builds Hand-Eye Coordination​

Sense of Balance​

Leadership Thinking​

Stimulating and Calming

Stimulates a Growth Mindset​

Improves Computing Skills​

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